New Chapter
To all my amazing clients and colleagues! It has been an absolute pleasure to collaborate with such outstanding professionals for the...

How To Get Your Email Read
An unread email is like a dead pigeon. Neither is going anywhere, and you can forget getting a response. Here are nine rules for...

Call the Janitor! Word Clean-Up on Aisle 4
Many people think using a lot of words makes them sound smart. During the Watergate hearings, the expression ‘at this point in time’...

Taming Your Email Beast (Or Saying Yes to Yesterbox)
Who among us hasn’t felt the need for an oxygen tank as we climb the mountain of emails every day? They cascade upon us and leave us no...

Misplaced Modifiers
Have you heard this Groucho Marx joke? “One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas,” said Groucho. “How he got into my pajamas, I don’t...

KISS--Keep It Simple and Short
The most useful advice I received when starting my business was to write in plain language. That rule works across all fields, including...

A Friendly Reminder: Blind Carbon Copy
BCC: Blind to You, But not to Me Have you ever wondered what the ‘Bcc’ box in your email means? It works the same way as Cc but with a...

If you are tempted to use ChatGPT for your business communications, you might want to ask the same question drug commercials urge viewers...