Ban These Five Grammar “Gotchas” From Your Writing
Let’s face it: One of the most difficult aspects of English writing is the misuse and abuse of words. For nearly every rule, there’s an...

Five Tips To Improve Your English Writing Skills
Learning a new language is never easy. Learning to think fast, read and write in a new language to keep pace in your job with native...

Read a Good Fiction Novel This Summer
There’s a reason you had to read novels in school and then complete a book report. First, reading is an essential competence. Second,...

What Impresses Employers Most in Your Writing: Three Top Tips
Sure, most employers find value in the performance of employees, such as showing responsibility, skill and loyalty to the company. But...

Be On the Ball for Idioms in Business Writing
Idioms are expressions for which a reader can’t easily predict the meaning by combining the meaning of the individual words alone. For...
Zombie Grammar Rules
Zombies and Grammar? Color me interested! Zombie Grammar Rules: How to Handle the Walking Dead of Content Creation

DIY for Your Copyediting? More like, Oh My!
I never mince words when it comes to my opinion on checking your own writing, along with all business writing that represents you and...

How to make your graphs and charts come alive!
Illustrate Your Ideas It’s always been important to illustrate your ideas in writing to make points clear. Can you picture a children’s...

Are you using these 10 words correctly?
It’s not alright…ah…all right…to make these mistakes: Ahold: Either it’s two words (I’ll get a hold of him later) or it’s simply hold...

5 Hints to Help You Simmer Before Sending
In a recent post, I talked about how easy it is to misunderstand the tone and intent of email without the verbal and body language cues...