In the Media
Listen to engrossing podcasts with Dr. Julie of Business Writing That Counts! and Mike Consol, editor, publisher and writing coach as they banter back and forth while offering top writing strategies. From the importance of good writing to essential writing strategies, you will enjoy their conversations about the essence of clear, effective communications.

Formatting can make your copy more inviting and readable. The use of subheads and other formatting techniques can also ease the writing experience. Writing coaches Mike Consol and Dr. Julie Miller explain.
Click on the image to hear the latest podcast.
One of the most critical components to good and effective writing is readability. But how is readability achieved? In this video/podcast, writing coaches Mike Consol and Dr. Julie Miller offer their writing tips and suggestions.
Click on the image to hear the latest podcast.
Writing coaches Dr. Julie Miller and Mike Consol discuss bringing persuasion to your written words.
Click on the image to hear the latest podcast.
Writing coaches Mike Consol and Dr. Julie Miller discuss the use and abuse of punctuation. When and what type of punctuation should be used, and how to guard against a punctuation mark’s overuse and depletion of its power.
Click on the image to hear the latest podcast.
How to find your writer's voice
Writing coaches Mike Consol and Dr. Julie Miller discuss how a person finds the ever-elusive "writer's voice."
Click on the image to hear the latest podcast.
Writing coaches Mike Consol and Julie Miller offer their best picks for writing books for writers. The four featured books in this video are:
The Art and Craft of Feature Writing by Bill Blundell
Chicken Soup for the Writer’s Soul by Jack Canfield and
Mark Victor Hansen Sin and Syntax: How to Craft Wickedly Effective Prose by Constance Hale
The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E.B. White
Click on the image to hear the latest podcast.
Why so many of us hate to write-Click on the image to hear the latest podcast.
We hate to write because we were never taught how to write. Instead, we were schooled by teachers who taught us a bunch of grammatical rules and regulations, then punished us for any infractions committed. So we learned from a very early age to write defensively, to avoid mistakes rather than focus on expression and wordplay. We learned to edit while writing, which is akin to simultaneously pressing the accelerator and brake. It gets us nowhere. This sucked all the joy out of writing right from the start.
Email Editing: Tips to Ensure Your Message Is Not Missed
Click in the picture below to check out an article in InBusiness Phoenix
Listen to an engrossing 20 minutes with Dr. Julie of Business Writing That Counts! and Mike Consol, editor, publisher and writing coach as they banter back and forth offering top writing strategies. From the importance of good writing to five essential writing strategies, you will enjoy their conversation about the essence of good writing.
Topics covered:
-Why should you remember the reader?
-What writing trick do professional writers use all the time?
-Why does eliminating ‘there’ can spruce up your writing?
-What can tone do for your writing?