Are you using these 10 words correctly?
It’s not alright…ah…all right…to make these mistakes:

Ahold: Either it’s two words (I’ll get a hold of him later) or it’s simply hold (Get hold of yourself!)
Alot: It’s two words. (A lot of people forget that.)
Alright: All right is always two words.
Being that: Since or because is what you want to use.
Irregardless: This isn’t a word. The word you want is regardless.
Off of: Drop the of. (Get off the stick!)
Orientate: Sounds like it should be important, but it’s just plain wrong. Try orient.
Preventative: To avoid an unnecessary syllable, use preventive measures.
Seeing that: When writing, use since or because instead of this.
Til: This is always incorrect. Use until or till.